With Catia Lee Love and Dominique Sanchez
With Valerie Lohr, Sabrina White, Catia, Tiffany Bonet, Patti La Plae Safe and Maya Montana in front
With Valerie backstage
Ready to get on stage for a number
With Tiffany and Valerie backstage
With Jimmy backstage
Hanging with Tiffany backstage
With Sabrina, Tiffany and Linda Carerro
All the formers on stage with Rachael Erikks - Miss Gay America 2004
Ready to leave for the Saturday night Miss America Review show
With Catia, Sabrina, Tiffany, Linda and Valerie
With John Bebe, Dominique Sanchez, Enrique Pérez - Mr Gay All-American 2003 and Catia
Tiffany and Valerie fighting over a drink
Catia and I giving it to Sabrina
Sabrina and I in a private moment - DO YOU MIND????
Hanging with Dominique backstage
The Three Stooges at the Welcome to Little Rock show - Tiffany, Valerie and myself
With Dominique and Jimmy backstage
With Valerie backstage
Still hanging out with Valerie
Dominique and I sharing a quiet moment...